We’re Closed!

Unfortunately I had to work this Saturday. Right at the end of my shift I had a customer ringing to take out a policy that I don’t deal with. I’m not authorised to set it up so would have been in serious trouble if I had done so. However, as I explained to the customer,Continue reading “We’re Closed!”

Do You Know Your Address?

One of the main things we have problems with at work is customers who don’t know their address. You may think I’m joking but sadly I’m not. We get a lot of ‘errmm…’ when we ask for the address. We also get ‘the postcode is w2’. Sometimes we get the whole postcode but still haveContinue reading “Do You Know Your Address?”


My company has now decided to have a live stream of director interviews. It’s a great idea. Gives us an idea of what is going on with the company. However, those of us in the call centre have no sound on our computers. The company seems to think that we would be stupid and useContinue reading “Discrimination”

Dress The Desk

We’ve begun to dress the desk, or the bay as it is. Our Halloween theme is fortune telling, which has annoyed certain people. See my previous post for more information on that. It seems to be one particular person that is really not liking it. We’ve chosen a theme for our decorations. We’ve set upContinue reading “Dress The Desk”

Racial & Religious Hatred, Prejudice, Slander, Defamation

Something was given to me at work today that could be seen as labelling a particular religious group as devil worshipers. I know that they are not. The information was copied off a website and was given to several people so I asked for a copy. I read it through with interest. Some of itContinue reading “Racial & Religious Hatred, Prejudice, Slander, Defamation”

What Model Of Boiler?

A customer called up to take boiler cover. I asked the person for their name: ‘It’s Mr Derek A…’ said a very feminine voice. Anyway, who am I to say whether the person on the phone is male or female? I used the name I was given thinking if it’s not correct I’ll soon beContinue reading “What Model Of Boiler?”

Hard To Believe

If I didn’t work in a call centre I would find the following very hard to believe. However, the following experiences from myself and my colleagues are, unfortunately, true. Agent: What model of boiler do you have? Customer: It’s a shiny white one. Agent: How would you like to pay? Customer: You can use theContinue reading “Hard To Believe”


There are quite a few people suffering at the moment whether it’s with hay fever or flue-like problems. Some people don’t seem to know what a tissue or handkerchief is, however. I’ve had a few people calling me who have been sniffing down the phone. It’s horrible. It’s disgusting. It’s sickening. One of the daysContinue reading “Sniffing!”

Derogatory Additions To Names

I expect a lot of people have seen the news about a gentleman who had a derogatory addition to his surname. It was in the news recently and a great deal on social media. Not a nice thing to happen at all. I can’t see anyone enjoying getting a letter with that kind of thingContinue reading “Derogatory Additions To Names”

Long Term Service

Is it worth staying at a company for more than 5 years? My simple answer is no. Not unless you want to progress into management and climb the ladder of hierarchy. I’ve been at the same company for 12 years. I was asked, in the past, if I wanted to train as a team managerContinue reading “Long Term Service”